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Recital 2025

  • Creative Dance Center 2 Barton Hill Road East Hampton, CT, 06424 United States (map)



Dear Parents and Guardians,

Recital 2025 will be held Saturday, May 10th at 10:00am, at the East Hampton High School. 
Tickets will be available April 1st and can be purchased at the dance studio. 

Tickets in advance: Adults $16, Kids & Senior Citizens $12 
Tickets at the door: General Admission $20  


Seating is first come first serve!  Doors to the auditorium will open at 9:30am

Dress rehearsal will be held at the East Hampton High School on Thursday, May 8th.  Specific group times are below.  Please arrive for dress rehearsal with your costume(s) at least 15 minutes before your group time. Advanced dancers should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their group time. DO NOT WEAR YOUR COSTUME DIRECTLY TO THE HIGH SCHOOL.  PLEASE PUT IT ON WHEN YOU GET THERE ALONG WITH YOUR DANCE SHOES.  A limited amount of time is allotted to each group.  If dress rehearsal is missed, there is no opportunity to make it up.  A missed rehearsal will not only affect the individual, but the entire group dance as well.     


NO PICTURES OR VIDEO DURING THE PERFORMANCE PLEASE.  It is distracting and disrespectful to audience members surrounding you.  Videos and pictures may be taken at dress rehearsal. 

Dancers should arrive at EHHS no later than 30 minutes before the show on recital day.  Advanced dancers should arrive no later than one hour before.  During the performance, all students should refrain from entering the auditorium.  They will be assigned designated areas backstage that will be supervised by adult attendants during the show.  It is recommended that dancers bring something quiet to do backstage while they are waiting to go onstage.  THE ONLY BEVERAGE THAT IS ALLOWED BACKSTAGE IS WATER. 

It is traditional, rather than necessary, that performers receive flowers and bring them onto the stage at the finale.  It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to provide flowers prior to show time.  Backstage room attendants will make sure your child carries their flowers onstage for the finale. Name of flowers is helpful. 



Costume Information

Students will be sent home with a costume, garment bag and hanger, all of which MUST BE RETURNED.  The reason why we can rent out costumes each year is, they have been returned on time and in the condition they were sent out in throughout previous years.   Please do not be the family that ruins it for everyone. If you have not paid the costume rental fee yet, please add it in with your next tuition payment ($30 per student).   

Costumes must remain in the garment bag when taken home and placed somewhere safe.  Keep them out of reach of pets and small children.  Only one costume is given to each child.  A second will not be given if something happens to it. 


Students will supply their own base that can be used year after year.  The base of the costume is a long sleeve black, scoop neck leotard and pink tights for most classes. A list of the base that is needed for each class will be posted.  These items can be purchased at the Creative Dance Center. 

Hair for all students should be up in a neat and secured bun for dress rehearsal and the show.  Makeup should be worn.  Any colors.  Makeup optional for Saturday morning students.   No jewelry. No nail polish.


After the show, students will leave their costume in the garment bag, on the hanger with their room attendant.  NO COSTUMES MAY GO HOME AFTER THE SHOW.


Backstage Help

Volunteers are needed to help attend to the dancers backstage during the show.  
Backstage attendants will:
            - Tie Shoes/change shoes as needed
            - Help with costumes changes
            - Assist with bathroom if needed
            - Keep dancers quiet during show
            - Line dancers up when it’s time for them to perform (attendant will come get them)
            - Accompany dancers to and from the stage
            - Make sure all dancers carry their flowers onto the stage for the finale
            - Collect all costumes in garment bags at the end of the show

Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to help backstage.  Volunteers do not need a ticket for the show.  Your help is much appreciated!

Dress Rehearsal
Thursday, May 8th
East Hampton High School

Please arrange for pickups from school if needed.  Dancers should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time. 
A limited amount of time is allotted to each group.  If dress rehearsal is missed, there is no opportunity to make it up.  Please do not be late!   


3:00-3:30pm Soloist Ballet
3:30-3:45pm Modern 3
3:45-4:00pm Jazz 2
4:00-4:15pm Tap 3
4:15-4:30pm Elite/Prima Ballet
4:30-4:45pm Modern 1/2
4:45-5:00pm Jazz 1
5:00-5:15pm Tap 2
5:15-5:30pm Tap 1
5:30-5:45pm Novice Ballet
5:45-6:15pm Level 1 (Sat. 9am)
6:15-6:45pm Level 2 (Sat. 10am)
6:45-7:00pm Level 3 (Sat. 11am)
7:15-7:30pm Performance Team
7:30-7:45pm Prima Ballet
7:45-8:15pm Adult Ballet   


Earlier Event: March 3
March Newsletter